
Lowcarbarama is a gathering place for links and pointers to all sort of things relevant to low-carb: articles, blogs, interviews, Web sites, forums. It's a place for commentary on health and nutrition in public policy, the sciences and the media. Comments are welcome anytime, regardless of the post's date.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Calorielab on why eating fat is good isn't a low-carb site, but it covers much that's of interest to low-carbers, Here's an article posted May 21, 2007. The sidebar headline is "Eating Fat is Good For You," by Sara Ost of Mark's Daily Apple.

The lipid-phobe’s guide to dietary fat: 11 ways fat can help you (and 4 ways it can’t hurt you)

Lowcarbarama posted the following comment today:
Lowcarbarama says:
February 23rd, 2008 at 6:34 am

“this wasn’t Atkins (I’m all about the greens), but…”

For several decades, Dr. Robert Atkins promoted eating regular, generous quantities of low-starch vegetables, including greens, as an important part of his nutritional approach. The company he founded continues to do so.

“Fat, while really good for you, adds up fast when compared to boring but filling alternatives. So some people might need to concentrate first on adding lots of bulk in terms of veggies to their diets before they go to wild slathering on the butter and cream sauces, or even the olive oil and nuts.”

This is a common misconception. Lowfat bulky foodstuffs fill the stomach, but don’t satiate. High-fat, low-carb, moderate protein (for instance, 50%-70% fat, and no sugar or starch) will satisfy and satiate at much lower caloric totals. Try it, you’ll see. When you cut the carbs and up the fat, it’s much harder to overeat.

The delicious truth that Sara discovered is that, as long as you restrict sugar and starch, when you allow yourself to eat all the fat you want, you’ll find that you’re eating no more than you should.


Anonymous said...

CalorieLab's post dates appear to the left of the Comment link on the multi-post archives pages. On the single-post permalink pages, the date of the post is in the block of metadata, just above the comment and below the Related Posts and Google ad blocks.

Another way to see the date is to check the URL, which includes the date.

lowcarbarama said...

Oops! I meant, "Their post dates are in such darn small type, I couldn't even find them before posting a rant!" Or something like that...

The eating fat post appeared on CalorieLab May 21, 2007.

Thanks, Mark! Much appreciated.